Spark was only founded in June 2018, and since then we have been very busy working with a variety of Schools, Universities and Drama schools. We have had countless meetings to ensure our work is interesting and relevant to its target audiences, and we have been successful to gain funding from a number of generous donors.
Here's a round-up of the news for Spark so far:

Empower with Tonic Theatre
In November last year, Spark and Tonic Theatre launched their collaboration of the 'Empower' programme for drama schools, at Guildford School of Acting. Empower works with drama school students to explore existing power structures and norms in the theatre industry, and invites them to envisage a safer and more positive future - giving them tools and language to help them contribute towards creating that. The project began at GSA with a range of third year students from different courses. Feedback from the project has been hugely positive and we look forward to the next steps for the programme!
Photography by P.Fysh Photography
Our 'Ignite' programme in Universities
In January this year, Spark launched its ‘Ignite’ programme for universities. Ignite works with university students to help them explore power imbalance, bullying and harassment and abuse of power in the workplace. It helps students spot this abuse of power and gives them the language and tools to respond constructively in difficult situations. Spark launched the programme with Royal Holloway’s third year Drama students, and feedback has been very positive. If you are from a university and would like us to work with your students, please get in touch at gina@sparkideas.co.uk

Photography by P.Fysh Photography

Arts council funding
We are thrilled to announce that we have been supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England for our 10-week ‘Stand Up, Speak Out’ project in schools. Thank you!
Thanks to Charcoalblue!
We are very pleased to announce another generous supporter for our ‘Stand Up, Speak Out’ project - Charcoalblue. Thank you for your support - we are so grateful!

Thanks to The Tottenham Grammar Foundation!
We would like to thank The Tottenham Grammar School Foundation, whose funding has also helped our 10-week project in schools exploring gender equality through drama a reality. Thank you!
10-week Stand Up, Speak Out schools project
We have officially launched our 10-week ‘Stand Up, Speak Out’ project in schools across London! Working in four schools, we will explore gender inequality through drama. Each school with then use the learning over the weeks to devise their own piece of theatre around the subject, to be rehearsed and performed in front of an audience of their peers. The project is now well under way, with performances due to take place just before the Easter break. We are hugely impressed with the work of our students so far. The schools we are working with are:
Chestnuts Primary School
Lister Community School
Park View School
Chestnut Grove Academy