In light of #MeToo, what has your University done towards protecting its students from abuse of power and harassment? Perhaps you have written up a code of conduct or anti-sexual harassment policy? But what about once your students leave University; how have you ensured they are prepared for employment?
At Spark, we believe it is incredibly important to ensure your students understand the full extent of power abuse and bullying and harassment, so that they have transferable skills to utilise once they leave higher education and navigate the world of work.
Power Abuse and Harassment workshops
Spark offer workshops to help students empower themselves around the issues and helps them find the language and confidence which they can use both in education and once moving into employment. It is a crucial form of well-being and support that benefits and enriches the student experience.
Consent workshops
These workshops cover what is meant by consent; practically and legally, as well as tackling issues of victim blaming and common myths. The workshops aim to give students a good working knowledge of healthy sexual consent practices, the confidence to discuss them and to create a positive consent culture across campus.
Consent in Acting workshops
Our Consent in Acting workshops are aimed at training actors, and include a range of exercises designed to get students thinking about what Consent in Acting means to them. Students leave the workshop with a stronger knowledge over what consent in acting is, as well as how to navigate a career in theatre whilst maintaining integrity when it comes to consent.
For more information and to discuss how we might work with your students, contact us at gina@sparkideas.co.uk
“Gina has the ability to create both a safe and fun environment whilst tackling difficult topics. Her workshop gave each of us time to process, explore and discuss different forms of empowerment. Prior to this workshop, I didn’t realise how much I needed these skills.”
“This workshop has encouraged me to become my best self and created an environment where we knew people were willing to listen. The discussions we had as part of the programme were rich and inspiring and everyone in the room thrived off Gina’s passion to make a change."
“I feel I have gained the tools to navigate my way through difficult situations in my career. The workshops were facilitated in a safe and open space. I now feel a lot more in control of what's to come in my career”
“Gina approaches subjects sensitively and goes out of her way to ensure that every person in the room feels equal. This workshop has equipped me with tools that I’ve already employed within my own practice.”
Participants' feedback, 2019

Photography by P.Fysh Photography