What is Changemakers?
Changemakers is a new programme working primarily in all-girls schools. The aim of the programme is to educate participants about the inherent inequities and inequalities within society for women, and to help young women to empower themselves by visualising ways to overcome this.
The programme offers a practical learning opportunity; giving students vocal and physical skills with which to convey themselves confidently and assertively. There is then the chance to practice both public speaking and interview technique; utilising these learnt skills in situations that participants will be faced with in the future.

What do sessions consist of?
The sessions can be tailored to each school, and will vary somewhat dependant on the length of workshop booked, but broadly, sessions consist of:
Group discussion to open up conversations about inequity and inequality in society
Practical examples offering insight into how to hold yourself with confidence
Practical exploration of assertive communication
Practical vocal sessions exploring clear, confident speech
Time to put these newfound skills into practice in group and solo exercises
Public Speaking and Interview technique practice
What can you offer with Changemakers?
We can offer one-off, 1.5-2 hour workshops, half or whole day workshops, or longer-term programmes across the term or school-year. These can be entirely bespoke for each school.
We can work with anything from one class up to a whole school
Why should I book Changemakers for my school?
In 2018, women made up just 23.7% of those employed as Chief Executives or Senior Officials in companies in the UK.
It’s time we helped to change that. Changemakers provides practical skills for young women to prepare them for the world of work. We aim to do this not through work experience or power-point-led presentations, but through practical exploration, and the learning of vocal and physical skills, and tips and tricks to help boost their confidence and help them to present themselves assertively and confidently. We offer a practical toolkit to help your students prepare for interviews, higher education, and the world of work.

How do I book Changemakers for my school or find out more?
Email us at gina@sparkideas.co.uk or fill out the below form.